We are a non-political, non-governmental and social welfare organization fighting against all forms of torture, cruel inhuman or degrading treatment, forced disappearances, summary execution, child abuse or other more subtle forms of violent repression or human rights violations. Our work is for rehabilitation, welfare of the drug addicts and also the rehabilitation and welfare of the families of these unfortunate human beings purely on humanitarian grounds in the greater interest of justice and humanity without any affiliation or consideration of any political party and activities. We also provide Education, Health, and support to all those that need it. We are a group of human rights activists, working against the violation of human rights all over the globe. Our objective is to provide all kinds of aid to all those in need, especially those who have been abused. The “Save Our World “also works for womens “ and children rights. The organization has been successful in shutting down child labor camps. “SOW “ has also been fight in shutting down several Women “MONDIS “(Markets) where women were sold and bought in a degrading manner. The “SOW“ provides shelter, food, water, and medical treatment (if needed) and anything else needed to the abused while it gives them courage. SOW has also for the past many years provided aid (Food, Water, Medicine, Books, Computer education etc) to all major disaster hit areas in Pakistan.
“SOW “help for build new wells to reach underground cleen water. Our volunteers have helped with the human rights situation in Refuge camps in Pakistan of Kashmir, and Afghanistan.
The “Save Our World “is an Welfare organization renowned for our work in the field of human Rights, Education, Environment. We have been working for the past many years to make peoples lives better and plan to continue our work.
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President & Founder
Syed Toseef Amjad Bukhari
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